July 12, 2010

Sore Sore Sore

So today is day #10....so far still good!  Im losing the weight but its getting to a battle...lol  I am getting sore!!  but that of course is to be expected right?  Well today, more of this morning really, I overcame something that has been a problem for me.  I actually ran for 20 minutes!!!  I may have gotten tired and sore and ended up jogging a couple times, but I did not give up and I did not walk.  So that right there in itself is a big accomplishment for me. 

We went to the water park yesterday, which we had fun spending time together, but thats about it...lol the park itself sucked.  Nothing really to do for Alexandrea...the kiddy area had nothing but water to splash around in, she is way more adventurous than that...lol  So those pictures will be soon posted..hopefully by this weekend I can get to the store and have the film from the waterproof camera developed...AND hopefully they are decent enough to keep...I hate not being able to see the picture right then and there like my digital camera...lol

Well nothing else really to report other than Alexandrea and her communication skills are getting so good.  I am going to get a video of her talk so everyone can see :)

Till later, hope everyone has a good week  :)

July 9, 2010

Day 7

So today has been exactly a week since I started my diet....and I have lost 8 lbs....HOW AWESOME!!!

I actually went out and bought a digital scale today which is totally cool because now I know EXACTLY what I way...even down to the points of a pound...also got a Wii Fit Plus game today to help me out....Life is grand..

I was adventureous tonight and made stuffed mushrooms with spinach and cheese :)  They were oooo so yummy! 

Im about to hook this thing up and do me some wii workouts...then its off to bed for me because work is a calling tomorrow from 9-3.  I know its not very long, but who really wants to work on a Saturday????  Especailly when the loves of her life are at home playing and snuggling together without her :(.  I know sucks huh?

Keep your eyes out for new pics to come soon...I went and got an underwater camera for when we go to Adventure Island on Sunday :)

July 8, 2010

Day 6

So the trip of getting healthier is going well.  Today I weighed myself and the total amount lost so far, is 8lbs!!

YEAH I KNOW RIGHT!!!  8lbs....maybe I will be able to meet my goal by the end of the month for sure...20lbs here I come.

On another note...I think I need to take some time for myself and then some time for me and Robert alone...no baby.  Being constantly busy is starting to affect me.  And I letting it affect other aspects of my life.  Which I shouldnt. I know that sooner or later it is going to hurt my life some how.

Anyways!!  LOL onto a happier note...we have a family day planned for this Sunday @ Adventure Island.  I can not wait honestly.  We are going to have a blast!!  especially Alexandrea.  I think this time around we are deffieantly getting some water shoes..lol because walking around barefoot on the ground at those water parks hurt my feet.  And not to mention we are going to get a waterproof camera so we can take some pictures this time :) 

Nothing other than that to really report today...work has been good for both me and Robert...Alexandrea is really starting to get well pronounced in her vocabulary, lol she told us the other day that her ice cream sandwich(the pretend kind) was "delicious".  Clear as day...I think we are going to get some video of her and post it to let you see...and how she is counting now and naming colors and shapes..

We are some proud parents :) 

Well hope everyone had a good week....I am signing off and headed to bed...tomorrow is a short day at work, BUT gotta be there at 8am.  blah!!!

Love you all

July 5, 2010

Day 3

Today was awesome...Me and the little bit just chilled out at the house.  Got some cleaning done...found out I have lost...ready....drum roll please......

5 lbs...WOOT WOOT!!!  My goal hopefully by the end of this month is 20lbs....

Well Just dropping in for now....Im about to take advantage of the time alone and get me some cardio in and a hot relaxing shower.  To close tonight, I will leave with you a couple of pictures of Alexandrea last night with her first sparklers.

July 4, 2010


So today is #1. Independence Day...and I hope everyone has a wonderful day.  Here, looks like it is going to be raining all day.  AGAIN!!  It has been raining all week/weekend.  We are not doing much tonight because Daddy has to work, but me and Alexandrea are going to do some sparklers and some poppy things.  Im going to try to take pictures, but my camera has been acting weird lately :(.

When I said today was 2 things...I was also talking about #2...Today is Day #2 of my diet.

It is actually going very well, I thought I was going to be tired and hungry, but not at all :)  Lets see if I can meet my goal of 20lbs lost by the end of the month....if so, then there is some news that I will be telling everyone :)  If not, guess you will have to wait till I do hit the 20lbs lost mark...lol

Again I hope everyone has a Happy Independence Day!!!

July 1, 2010

Felt like a kid today...

So I was able to get a lot of things that I have wanted and needed...got the freezer chest and now tomorrow I go get the food to put in it..LOL

Was sittin here just chilling with my 2 favorite people in the world and got an AWESOME call on the cell....it was my job...they called to tell me that we met our goal and we DID NOT have to work on Saturday...soooo that means hello 5 DAY WEEKEND!!!!

Well just had to share the flee...Im off to curl up next to a wonderful little angel and wait on daddy to call and let us know that its time to go pick him up from work....

The ramblings of an over tired mommy at 12:11 am

So it is exactly 12:11 am while I am typing this...I should be doing my homework (hence this is why Im still up) but atlas I can not find myself to do it.  Me and the hubs got into tonight...nothing big...just something that is bothering me obviously not to sleep.  I just feel like I should not be the only person contributing to the things around the house...ie: house work.  Why must I be the bad guy when it comes to punishing Alexandrea or telling her not to do something...OR stopping her from destroying the house.  I wish I could let her do everything she wants to around the house because I know I wont have to clean it later!!  BLAH BLAH BLAH!!  Thats the way I feel right now.!!!! JUST BLAH!!!

Ok well that felt a little better...what would REALLY feel a whole lot better is if I were to go into my bedroom, and pour a nice big ole' glass of ice cold water on the wonderful man I love and married and who is the father of my beautiful little angel!!!!!!  Should I??  Or should I not???  That is the true question....or maybe I should take off and let him be "mommy" for the WHOLE day...from "hi mommy I up" to "No mommy I dont wanna seep in my bed...mommy bed"  And on top of that, I should throw in that the house has to stay picked up, laundry has to be done AND you gotta do my homework.!!!  Not to mention maybe through in a couple hours of work @ work ontop of that...hmmmmmm  I honestly dont think he would make it....how about you???

Well I am off to bed now...gotta finish typing up my discussion post for school...then its off to slumber land to dream of a clean house with no worries in the world...tomorrow is yet another day!!