February 16, 2010

I am sOOOOOO sorry....!!!

I have totally slacked in this department of our lives. With everything that has been going on this last year, I have just slacked. I do apologize and will deffiantly update for now, at least once a week.

Lets see, Ale is talking up a storm, she is running and CLIMBING!!! on everything. If you tell her no, or matter of fact, if you tell her to do something, she flat out tells you no no no...lol

She is starting to get her terrible twos...oh man is she getting them. She has to be gotten onto so many times a day for trying to bite and slap...its crazy...there are actual days where I get tired of saying her name.

Well I am not on my computer so I have no pictures to post...but I will post some...PROMISE!! as soon as I get back to my computer.

We are hopefully moving into our very first owned home in the next month. Which is totally awesome!! So I will be posting pics then too.

Hope everyone is doing well.