May 4, 2009

She is ONE...she is ONE!!!!

OH MY!!! How time flew this year. Today our baby is one and is now offically a TODDLER!!! I sat down today while she was napping and looked through all her pictures and her achievements....and I literally started to cry. My baby is no longer a baby per say. I always noticed her getting taller and heavier, but never REALLY noticed it until today. She looked older. She is walking so much better now and even runs. She knows how to turn off and on the lights and she got her very first hair cut today. Nothing fancy, just made it all even in the back and around the sides...and cut her some bangs so she can wear her hair down without it being all in her eyes. OOO and she has cut 2 back teeth and that brings her grand total to 10 teeth!!!

I am going to post a couple pictures and then get off here before I make myself start to cry a little more tonight. Love you all!!