August 17, 2010


Before these recent few days, I would have never truely knew what that word meant...exhaustion!!!

Little bit is getting older and more energetic and INDEPENDENT.  It's "mommy I can do it" or "No mommy, I will get it"  Where did my baby go???  If you find her, please send her back home.

Between work (which is going very well by the way...lets just say LOVE IT), school (it's going), being a wife and mother...Im drained.  To the point, that I have been going to bed early, and I mean like 8-9pm.  Which is really early compared to 12-1am...

Hopefully this weekend I will be able to update all the pictures of our past trip to Busch Gardens...and MAYBE from our little trip to the drive in to see Toy Story 3.  Till then, be safe and get some sleep too :)

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