January 11, 2009

The months of December 2008 and January 2009

I have not been able to post much because well I now have a baby who crawls and gets into EVERYTHING!!! We ended up having to go to the hospital on the 13th because Alexandrea had a bad cough...not croope, but bad to me and I wanted to make sure she could breath through the night...well when we took her up there, she weighed over 17lbs. Our little bit is growing like a weed...she is able to stand up holding on to something and about a minute alone. She now has 8 teeth (the 8th one just broke through the other night). She is now eating solids...and by solids I mean she is eating what me and Robert are eating. She LOVES strawberries, bananas, chicken, green beans, and OH YEAH she loves her little puffs. We recently gave her some gerber graduates chicken & carrots stuffed pasta, and she eats them like a pro. She has learned how to pick food up with her little pointer finger and thumb. She has this new smile and laugh that is hilarious. She will squint her eyes and scrunch up her nose and then throw her head back and squeel then start laughing. I swear, I know I say this all the time, but she is amazing and I cant believe how much she has grown these last 8 months...thats another thing...SHE IS 8 MONTHS OLD!!! Where has time gone. She can say momma, dadda, yeah, hi, uh huh, and hey. She knows who momma and dadda are and will ask for us by name. She is almost learnt how to wave. And she has learned how to point...mainly you point at her and she will point back at you...I know this isnt funny, but Robert will get on to her and point at her and tell her no, and she raises her little finger back up at him and points it right back at him. Which this brings me to another thing that I DO NOT like that she has started....She will literally throw a tantrum...she throws herself backwards and kicks her little legs and slams that little hand down on things or will ball her fists up and throw them down. I swear I know she is already going to be a little drama queen when she gets older and already a hand full.....I said earlier that she crawls, well she crawls fast, and now will "run" away from you when you go to get her, especially when she is getting into something and you go to move her and redirect her to something else...ooo yeah. Her motor skills are amazing, she really is a smart little girl, especially for only being 8 months old. Sorry had a proud mommy moment there. Anyways, thats about it and I promise to keep this blog alittle more updated so there are not tons of things behind....You will notice pictures through out this post and at the end of it...Hope everyone had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love you all and to you guys out of state, WE MISS YOU!!!!!!

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